
IP Address
Status Online
Players 0/20
Minecraft version 1.21.1
Gamemodes MiniGames PvP SMP Survival
Votes 2 Vote
Uptime 98,00%
Location Country flag United States
Ownership Server is verified
updated 2 minutes ago, added: 8 months ago
DraconiaMC | A Friendly Survival Server

Draconia is just a simple survival SMP that looks like its modded but its not.
The community built a system to make the server seem modded and put a lot of time, work, and inspiration into this to make it fun.
this is the best survival server you will ever probably come across.
(we are actually not kidding we compaired it to a lot of servers)

We always add new features where ever the community suits it!

Simple voice chat mod is optional.
but it is added.

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