Frequently asked questions

How to add server to this list?

On the top of this page you can find button with plus icon (or click here) then simply enter server's IP. We accept servers from everybody - even if you aren't its owner.

Your website says that my server is offline

If your server is online but our website says its offline try to check if you allow connection from our IP address:

How to add server's icon?

Only server owner can add server's image. You need to prepare image that:

  • is named: server-icon.png
  • has dimensions: 64x64 in pixels

This image should be placed in the root directory of your server. When you reboot your server our website will update that image in a 24 hours.

What determines the order of servers on the list?

Servers are ordered especially by vote count, then we sort them by online players.

How often this website update details about servers?

Basic details like server status, MOTD and online players count are updated every 30 minutes. More details may be visible after little longer ammount of time. Servers that are offline for a long time are updated every few hours.

Why some servers have no Discord/website defined?

We try to complete the links related to servers added to our list, as long as they are available on the Internet or provided by the server (for example in MOTD). You can fill informations like a link to the Discord server, server's website or select available modes after successful verification of your server.

Even if you aren't owner of server listed on our website you can correct missing or invalid infomations. Feel free to contact us via our Discord if you think that some informations need to be corrected. Click here to visit our Discord

Why some servers are "not verified"?

You can add any Minecraft server to our list even if you aren't its owner. There is no need to login too. Server's verification is used to determine if you are owner of this server. Only server admins can modify its MOTD (or TXT domain records). When you are verified as owner of any server you can edit some details about it. Thanks to the verification, we can be sure that the information about the servers are true and does not mislead anyone.

I see "This hosting provider is not supported" error, why?

Free hosting providers are disabled in case of many low quality servers that lives shorter than a few days.

Bot named mc_list_org_bot is joining my server, why?

We're using mc_list_org_bot to automatically tag premium and cracked servers. If you don't want to see him on your server simply ban this username. This won't affect visibility of your server at our list.

Our bot use only one IP address: He join servers listed on our page that haven't defined its cracked/premium status (selectable as mode if you are verified owner). This bot join servers not more often than every 12 hours. He usually does this once a week. - 2024 © IBC-Games

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  • Players online: 189288
  • Added servers: 3203
  • Online servers: 1220