z MCL-Votifier plugin will give your players ability to claim daily reward for a vote. You can specify what commands will be executed when user will receive a reward (for example you can give them some items). Rewarding your players will encourage them to vote regularly. The more votes you collect, the more visible your server will be. Reward can be claimed only once for a vote so it's limited for one vote for a day. We also restrict VPN users from making a vote.
If you see this error make sure you are using latest MCL-Votifier version (download latest). Check if your configuration contains valid server_id and is valid yaml file. Feel free to visit our Discord if you need more help. Visit our Discord
Your server will become marked with reward icon only when any player use /mcl-reward command in last 3 days.
It just depends on you! In the plugin's configuration you can enter any number of commands that will be executed by your server's console when player will claim a reward.
Source code of MCL-Votifier can be found at GitHub (click to open). This plugin is designed to execute commands specified by you in its configuration. It's lightweight and work asynchronously.
If you think that it will fit your needs you can enable require_permission feature. When require_permission is set to true then command /mcl-reward will be available only for players with mclvotifier.reward permission. This feature will not restrict users from voting at our webpage.
MCL-Votifier plugin is designed to work on Minecraft 1.7.10 (or newer) servers with Bukkit/Spigot support.
There is no need to open any port like in other votifier plugins. MCL-Votifier use our website API only when a player use /mcl-reward or /mcl-vote command.
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